
for baritone voice, trumpet(s), trombone, bass clarinet | 2018

duration | 15’

text by Gerard Manley-Hopkins and Deakin Dixon

Commissioned by loadbang; Premiered at Tenri Cultural Center, NYC, October 2018.

peruse the score


I have desired to go
where springs not fail,
to fields where flies no sharp and sided hail
and a few lilies blow.
And I have asked to be
where no storms come,
where the green swell is in the haven's dumb
and out of the swing of the sea.

(Gerard Manley-Hopkins, “Heaven-Haven”)

…the red oblivion of decaying wood
the terrible cobalt of a stormy sky
the biting scarlet of the kinglet's hood
and sharper music I have never heard
than water cutting over ragged stone,
the piteous pleading of the keening bird,
the singing silence when the bird has flown.

(Deakin Dixon, from “Hints of Beauty)